Saturday, February 6, 2010

Diagram Of Pirate Ship Where Would Cooking Occur On A Pirate Ship?

Where would cooking occur on a pirate ship? - diagram of pirate ship

From the diagrams I saw, I can not say. There was a certain part of the ship, which was the kitchen? Or was it something like pits of fire on the deck of the kitchen, where it happened? I know you've probably eaten a lot of things that no kitchen - a kind of jerky - but there were some hot dishes as well.


Big D said...

Meat and dried fish and salt, which is stored in barrels. There were only a few vegetables, when the ship was at sea for a period of time. The fruits were unknown except maybe apples in barrels. So Apple could contaminate the term "evil" the whole barrel. It must have destroyed the soul of the opening of a barrel of fresh apples and then realize they were all sick and had to be thrown overboard.
No fruit and vegetables with a little food for seafarers is very poor in vitamin C. The result is a common disease called scurvy. For this Royal Naval ship's crew were overcome with a daily ration of lemon juice and even on my days on this ration for the Navy is always available when difficult circumstances prevailed. This was for the Americas region before the war of independence, and thus the English are still marked as "known Limey" to date.
Larger vessels will depend on the high seas with live animals, slaughtered and eaten at a later date and that the trip was to the wind and weather, it seems thatPlan D were extremely difficult to do with national security regulations.
In case of inclement weather, the ship was like a cork on the waves launched the wood stove was a dangerous device, which went out of control if the ship does not consume wood. Under extreme conditions of hot food is difficult to predict, but most will need food, cooking, in order to kill bacteria and they are edible.
Shipbuilders plates were made for the team and the easiest way to a court, consisting of a piece of wood cut from a square section. The form of square plates can be easily stored and do not break the timber, which could be the violence of the movement of ships. There was no turning back, make the plates and was unnecessary as an expense.
Even though the rough seas and had not left enough food has been made available, every effort to provide the crew a hot meal edible. This was collected from the kitchen and taste on the table covered disaster eaten with a square plate.
Therefore, if ACHieved "three meals a day", which was very good. An expression that is still used today in English every day

dervish said...


Check out these charts ... ...

Kel said...

In all the pirate movies, I've seen to always have a kitchenette with cooking, making meals.

Jim L said...

Go to Somalia and knowledge.

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